How much does end of tenancy cleaning cost in Southampton and Portsmouth areas in 2023?

The cost of end of tenancy cleaning varies depending on several factors, including the size of the property, its condition and jobs that need to be done. In general, the cost of end of tenancy cleaning ranges from £100.

The size of the property is one of the significant factors that determine the cost of end of tenancy cleaning. Larger properties will require more time and effort to clean, which will result in a higher cost. Similarly, the condition of the property is another factor that can affect the cost of end of tenancy cleaning. If the property is in a poor condition, it may require more time and effort to clean, which will increase the cost.

It is essential to note that the cost of end of tenancy cleaning can vary significantly between different cleaning companies. Some companies may offer lower prices, but the quality of their service may not be as high. It is therefore essential to do some research and choose a reputable and reliable cleaning company. As BeeClean is working in your area for more than 7 years now we have expertise needed to provide a high quality end of tenancy cleaning services. Fill in online form to get quote tailored especially for your property!!